Tuesday, September 17, 2024


I tried to post this on FB but I got a canned message that it went against community standards.  hahaha sure it did!  People should know they can make their OWN web pages and host their OWN videos.  Of course it's easier to use a system that is already set up but you don't have to bow down to the internet millionaires.  

This elderly woman had an elderly care taker.  Police were called to their home.  The man joked with the police about his guns.  The police saw random loaded guns laying around the home.  The woman begged the police not to go.  They left.  The man killed her then proceeded to say it was the police's fault because they didn't help him.  He never asked for help.  A mental health professional should routinely go on ALL mental health calls.  The fact that you see this elderly woman on her back in a hospital bed, helpless, pleading with police and hours later her life is taken is disgusting.  Who are the police protecting and serving?  

Woman killed hours after Rio Rancho police respond to her home (youtube.com)

What Springfield Residents REALLY Said About Immigrants | Haiti Migrants...

Monday, December 5, 2022

I WON!!!

 I never went into this thinking it was a contest!  Just a few minutes ago, I called him on the phone and asked him why he hadn't been sleeping here.  Here is the "trailer" he "owns."  We've known each other about two years.  Knew the first time I spent any time with him he was crazy as a fucking bed bug!  He didn't answer the door of the extended hotel where he lived the second time I went over there and I didn't remember the number of the door.  I sat in the hallway, I'm anemic so I get very tired!!!   I knew I was having issues at my place and I just wanted to rest!  I called him time after time, after time.  He knew I was coming over.  I finally just went back downstairs and they called his room.  I think they told me what number it was.  As they were asking me for my ID, I just kept walking.  

He opened the door.  My brain is foggy too but I KNOW that I mentioned going out to eat.  He started looking for his car keys.  He couldn't find them.  I sat on the second bed.  He said, "You have my keys!!!!  I'm going to call the police."  I knew that was next level craziness and you NEVER, NEVER NEVER threaten a Black person with calling the police.  That's like signing a death warrant!  On TOP of that I could whip this crazy buldging belly & eye ball White bastard!  I HOPPED up out of bed, gathered my shit & left with the intention to never speak to him again.  

We work at the same place but that doens'st mean we have to have anything to do with each other!  We are independent contractors.  I refused to look at him as we'd circle our cars in the driveway.  Eventually he looked at me.  He eventually said sorry & that I was sitting on his keys.  That told me he doesn't operate in reality and this was some scary shit but I still needed a place to stay indoors, I have a cat, dog and fish!  

In the beginning, HE'S the one who came to MY place looking to stay with me.....I'm so GLAD that didn't happen.  He's addicted to POT, spends about $10 or $20 a day on it!  Won't pay the lot rental, won't pay his car note, has spent $5,000 on Vbucks for his intellectually disabled fourteen, going on fifteen year old boy.  Everytime I see that child'/s face on that man's phone asking for money it turns my blood cold!!!  This same child, who refuses to wake up in the morning and go to school still gets however many v bucks so he can change skins on the characters in Fortnite!  I told, AH, "too bad you didn't spend that money on a college fund."  He agreed and shook his head.  I realize what he does with his child is none of my business, except when the electricity gets shut off for non payment yet, v bucks are being spent, that's kind of my problem.  AH had this master scheme which required me to work for 3 weeks making $500 a week.  I would drive him to get breakfast in the morning, pay him $350 a week for gas, which required me filling up his gas tank daily.  On top of that, he'd work & make $1,000 a week and at the end of 3 weeks he'd pay his friend to insulate, the bedroom, so his child can have a nice place  to go for Christmas.  This would require us to sleep in the other rooms.  I noticed my cat looking at the water bowl strangely.  I stuck my finger in it and ran into layers of ice.  That's in the LIVING ROOM where AH wants us to sleep while this bedroom is being worked on.  I immediately said, "I'll go to the shelter."  I'd also said at another time I'd sleep in my car.  

We had a few more instances of insanity!  The last one was on Saturday night, I think.  We'd met at the hotel where he parks his car because he can't bring it back to the trailer, because the repo man is looking for it.  I wanted an itemized bill.  He FLIPPED his lid!!  He threatened to make a scene.  I could care less!  I'm not sure WHY that set him off!  It really had nothing to do with him and ..... Oh, I remembered that was Friday, the same night I went Superwoman on these three white boys beating a Black boy, but that's a story for another day!  When I told him the story, he didn't react like I thought he would.  I can see in him the same behavior in this other guy I was introduced to by a friend.  BOTH are cracked in the head!  I'm thinking perhaps schitziphrenia, definately some explosive personality disorder.  When the television is on, his attention is 100% on it.  Unfortunately, I watch crime drama and that's not good for him!  BUT I'm paying the damn bill for the equipment so we can watch TV!  I am glad he's gone..........but it's been scary.  #1, he didn't even tell me he wasn't going to come back!  I spent last night calling, & calling & calling, and he wouldn't answer the phone!  I called because he would disturb me to go get him from the hotel, even though it is well within walking distance!  I totally FLIPPED out when I asked him to go to the Lebenon Festival on Saturday.  He replied, "I've got to work."  In the car, I reminded him of all the times I drove and PAID for him to have coffee in the morning at Tim Hortons, all of the cigarellos I bought so he can smoke pot (I didn't say the smoking pot thing."  I said, the one time I ask something he can't do it but compared to all of the things I  do....then he said, "Why didn't you say, Babe, this is important.  I didn't know this was so important."  I said, "WAS, it was."  So as I made the turn he just got too nasty, I stopped the car, got out & he tried to take the keys out of the car.  He wound up just ripping the yarn on my homemade key chain!  I screamed at him to GET OUT!!!  He screamed, "DON'T COME TO THE TRAILER!!"  SO I sat there while I waited for the police to arrive.  I called the police back when I saw his car heading towards the trailer, I said I was afraid he was going to hurt my animals and should I follow behind.  The woman dispatcher said she's seen this before that my life is more important and to not follow him.  I eventually did go back to the trailer....everyone's fine but the back door was open!!!  It blows open!  I bought a latch that sat for about a week on the table so I took it back to the hardware store!  FUCK IT!  

I got a call from the police.  I told them where I was and I said I can go back to where I was.  Every other block is like another fucking jurisdiction!  The officer's last name was like Buttery or something sweet, #314.  He was sweet.....................smiling and laughing at the appropriate times!  He said he really can't do anything but I should probably move.  He told me to stay warm.  I am, I'm so warm!!!! 

This negativity, the yelling, the demanding money, it all has been driving me to the edge.  I tried to kill myself a few days ago and you know, I never thought I'd be one of those people who were glad to be alive but I'm glad I'm still here!!!!  I mean, I KNOW I can do better!!!  I've been talking to the suicide hotline and one sweet girl told me where I am now isn't the "end destination it's only a stepping stone."  And I know how to high step the hell out of a situation!  So, I'll stay here, as long as I can, I am making plans, and we will see.  

BEFORE this like last week AH called and said, "there's so much negative energy in the trailer (of course he means me, he never takes any credit for his negative behaviors), I'm going to tell the people on Tuesday, I'm leaving the trailer!!"  I didn't let on how upset I was.  I paced up and down the hallway trying to think of what to do and how to kill myself!  I felt I had no place other than this to go and it was the end!  I did some internet research, came up with two methods.  I was able to leave the next day & purchase "it."  It didn't work!  I only got the runs & I was a bit dizzy.  I DID buy something ELSE!!!!!  That something ELSE is pretty damn well a guarantee and costs a bit more.  I think I'm going to return it...I'd rather have the money!  I have my ideas!!!  My life is half over.  My dog and cat love me so much!  I will stick around for them!!!  They are both with me!  Stay tuned!  I deserve so much better than what I have!  I'm going to get plastic totes, pack up all of my belongings and just be ready to FLY!!!