Sunday, July 2, 2017

Sunday Thing

I know I usually experience this empty pit in my stomach on Sunday's.  In the past, I've had to work on Monday's so Sunday meant the end to freedom.  The start of another horrible work week.  I didn't always feel that work was horrible but a lot of it was.  Work to me meant having to ask to go to the restroom, being forced to take a specific amount of time to go to lunch.  I have had jobs where I had more freedom but more often than not the jobs I've had were very restrictive.  I desire or desired a more free existence and I guess I have that now. 

When you have no friends, no lovers, no boyfriends, nothing the days and nights can be awful lonely.  Of course we are all in control of our thoughts.  We can think positively or negatively about our own situations.  So I will list ten, if I can think of ten positive things.

1.  This keyboard on this computer miraculously started working today
2.  My dog is laying at my foot keeping it warm.
3.  My cat is sitting about three feet away looking at the dog. 
4.  I have vanilla ice cream to eat.
5.  I have internet access.
6.  I have cable TV.
7.  My car got worked on and work along with the air conditioning.
8.  I went to church and had a nice time.
9.  I was able to sit Th

------OK I was at 11 and as I've forgotten this damn keyboard erased everything so fuck it.

Just don't feel like it.  No one knows what the future will bring.  What do I want it to bring?"
A  Partner

I accept me as I am, I'm not sure why I haven't been able to find someone who feels the same way.  I'm tired of having to accept people into my life who only want to use me.  While I let them use me,
I'm not sure how I feel.  I guess I feel powerful for having been able to capture their attention. 

This day will be over soon.  There are tons of cleaning things I can do here.  Night.

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