Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Live TV Prank Calls to Pro-9/11 Communist Public Access Host Jack Jersawitz

LIVE | Final Day Of Prayer & Fasting For Preservation With Prophet Sheph...

LIVE | Final Day Of Prayer & Fasting For Preservation With Prophet Sheph...

Queennak. What'a Guan Official M.V

Really admire this woman's........determination!  She married a Chinese man & calls herself
the First Black Lady of China.  I don't
know how many thousands attended her wedding but it was no JOKE!!!  Her husband saw her, fell in love, the rest
is history!!!  Their wedding ceremony is
OFF THE HOOK!!!  I cried after my
ceremony...….I wanted the FULL Indian wedding with the groom arriving on a
horse or elephant.  I only realized that
AFTER we were looking out of the hotel room seeing other folks do that!! It was
still nice!!! Had TONS of people!!  I
LOVE India!!  My ex was so concerned when
I wanted to go out "alone" to find this restaurant that was listed on
the internet in the States.  Well, it
wasn't there!!!  India is a SNAP when you
live in certain areas.  Simply say,
"Sector 14" to the autorickshaw driver, taxi driver, etc.  I felt SO LOVED!!!  I LOVED the attention!!!  The bottom line is when you have
"money."  You can go
anywhere.  Ex used to tell me to stop
giving people money!!!  I couldn't see
children with nappy hair & dirty clothes sit on the side of the road or on
plastic paper!!!  I KNOW my role is to
use my HORRIBLE CHILDHOOD and to express the lover I never received!  I can love easily and get my heart broken
daily!  I still go on & choose to love!  That is my gift.  Look up Alma, or Ama.  She is an India woman who HUGS
PEOPLE!!!!  She books an event, people
line up for MILES to simply be embraced by her!!! People cry...….She was in
Michigan a few years ago!!!  THIS is why
we are here!  We are not
salamanders!  We NEED physical
touch!!!  Fiends, get it twisted and
think that means SEX, IT DOES NOT!!!  If
my blood is to be shed shield the innocent, so be it! 

I'm remembering at the American Embassy when I asked the
clerk for her NAME!!!  Hubby laughed at
that late & said she went pale!!  We
didn't do things 100 as they a result, we were married THREE YEARS
LIVING ON Separate continents!!!  It is
HARD to believe we've known each other for 20 years!!!!  It doesn't even feel real!! I ask him all the
time if he "regrets leaving his country."  He ALWAYS says, "No!!"   I have to take him at his word!  I don't say "regret," I say,
"If I had it to do over."  If I
had it to do over, I'd stay in India!!! 
Or let him use his PhD. in Theoretical Nuclear Physics to get a job
somewhere!! I'm from Y. S.  My elderly
father was there so we went to live with him. 
Both of us were at my father's bedside when he died in Greene Memorial
Hospital.  I heard someone saying outside
of the door what was taking so long or something!  I held my head HIGH, as high as a 5'1"
Black Woman could as we left my father's room!!!  FUCK EM!!!!!  
I wasn't going to let THEM see one tear!! One nurse was
"sniffing."  My Hubby remarked
about that and & said, "I think she has allergies."  Her demeaner didn't strike me as her giving a
shit that my father was dying before my eyes! 

To watch another person die before you is a gift!!  My Daddy waited until after his EX Wife and
Bastard Son left!  I held his hand and
told him he was a good dad!!!  Days or
maybe even weeks before, he cried as he asked what would happen to me!!!  He was right to cry!!! He'd taken such good
care of me my entire life, I truly had the mentality and life experiences of a
child in some ways!!  When you give a
sixteen year old two gas cards, an AMEX for emergencies, and basically cater to
them, it does make "maturation" a bit difficult!  So at the age of 37, I was like an 18

Dr. SHIVA LIVE: Interview w Hidden Truth and Fraud of the Mainstream Media.

Monday, April 13, 2020


Thought I'd post what will most assuredly NOT be in the Yellow Springs News!

3 Responses to “First case of COVID-19 in Yellow Springs confirmed”

  1. Tawn Singh says:
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    For the RECORD, I want NO life saving measures, NO RESUSCITATOR, NO CPR, NO SKIN GRAPHS! You don’t want my organs!!!! I wouldn’t want to curse anyone else with whatever is running through my veins!
  2. Tawn Singh says:
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    I’m really curious? How does this “COVID 19,” impact the suicide rate in Yellow Springs? I am a LIFER! I was taken to Yellow Springs at six months of age after I was “bought/purchased/adopted” from the Lutheran Social Service Agency in Troy, Ohio. I know there has been a “rash” of suicides in Yellow Springs in recent years. There have ALWAYS been suicides! They’ve just been swept under the rug! My first attempt was at seven years old. My mother found me laying in the snow, face up, letting the snow fall on my face, a perfectly normal activity. She told me in her thick Kentucky accent, “DON’T lay down in the snow, you’ll fall asleep and never wake up!!” That’s EXACTLY what I wanted!!! So every chance I got, I’d lay in the snow and listen to it fall! Before she mentioned it, I hadn’t really thought of killing myself. Later, after she left ALL OF US, her soon to be 3rd husband YELLED something about me “blowing her head off” if I were allowed to go through my mother’s jewelry drawer which was a perfectly normal activity I’d always been allowed to do! I QUICKLY left that son of a bitch when I was about 8 after he chased my mother down the hall at the end of a rifle. I will NEVER forget her running PAST in the doorway of his daughter’s bedroom. She ran into the kitchen, through the dining room, into the garage, into the car & sped down Possum Road. Those red tail lights are blazed in my brain! “I wanna live with dad” I told her later. I have no memory of WHEN she came back. I think she did come back & took me to the fire department. I will never forget him, her or anyone else who’s ever hurt me. F, YOU!!!!! Pick a side!!! Why should I protect you? Who ever protected me?
    I won’t go into more now. Where is free will? I NEVER hear of anyone speaking of people who DON’T have family or loved ones!!! Those of us who are ORPHANS, ABANDONED, ABUSED, CONFUSED, ANGRY, PISSED OFF AT THE WORLD, what about us? If we choose to live as we’ve always lived don’t blame US!!! Blame CHINA for orchestrating this genocide!!! Don’t ask me how I’d feel if someone caught this disease from me! I don’t have it. Let me ask you this.
    What have YOU done to find the culprits who murdered Mary Turner!??
    “To punish her, at Folsom’s Bridge the mob tied Mary Turner by her ankles, hung her upside down from a tree, poured gasoline on her and burned off her clothes. One member of the mob then cut her stomach open and her unborn child dropped to the ground where it was reportedly stomped on and crushed by a member of the mob. Her body was then riddled with gunfire from the mob. Later that night she and her baby were buried ten feet away from where they were murdered. The makeshift grave was marked with only a “whiskey bottle” with a “cigar” stuffed in its neck.”