Friday, April 16, 2021

 April 16, Friday, 2021 - 11:25 a.m.

Tragedy in Indianapolis.  hahah  Either the boss was a total ass who deserved what was coming to him or the shooter had mental issues or a little bit of both!  I've worked at HORRIBLE places for over a decade I put up with abuse!!!!!  I watched people die like flies all around me!  The stress of working in an environment like that is deadly!!!  I am free of that, I survived!  I mean no disrespect to the families who lost love ones, I just have a feeling the boss wasn't so innocent!  

Started period today!  I NEVER talk about this stuff but it's a factor!   I am so weak I can't leave the house!!!  I haven't even been able to get the mail!!!  I called to have my meds delivered, I was thinking to try & go out but I can't!  I have terrible arthritis too so I'm in such pain when I get up from bed!!!!  My cat is here in my bed with me.  The prodigal cat came back last night!!!!  I'm not going to let him do that!! I don't like when he's gone for 2 days!!  I'm going to put a camera on him though and see where he goes!! It was so cold last night!!!  I don't understand how he can be out like that!!!  He came back and proceeded to EAT LIKE A DAMN fool!!!  I think I'm going to order some cake mix & icing!!! I made a small cake & ATE it all with no frosting ahhaha!!!  I like to eat the mix!!  I ate it BEFORE I put the raw eggs in it even though the mix has dried raw eggs in it!  

12:00 p.m. my medicine came!!! So I "can" leave if I want, but I can't.  My legs hurt too much!!!  I also need to use my cpap.  I got 4 hours & 20 minutes in...I'm making shrimp & warming Progresso Italian Wedding Soup.  They used to put those tiny little pearl pasta in it but now the pasta has changed!!! 


These guys must think birds chirping is hostle!!! - Marnette Todd  04/16/21 HLN 11:33 a.m. 

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