Thursday, April 22, 2021

 APPLAUSE!!! When you have NOTHING to lose, you can speak the TRUTH to POWER!! I don't depend on any REPu%&*(an for a job!!! I don't have to Kiss Hiney, for my pay! This like the war with the North and South! If you are pro slavery, then you are ANTI ME!!! And I'll tell you what, I'm doing just FINE without you!!! The first time I expressed my view publicly over our previous President, my body had such a negative reaction! Someone had said, "He's trying to..." they said like do something, I just felt myself fleeing to the opposite end of the park! I had to get as FAR away as I could from that person! I'm an OLD LADY!!! I REMEMBER how he treated his FIRST WIFE, the ONE who RAN HIS BUSINESSES!!!!!! The one he CHEATED ON, I remember how he SPOKE ABOUT THE BODY of the woman he was cheating on, to marry & have his SECOND DAUGHTER WITH!!! I know all about his RED LINING, refusing to rent to Blacks in his office space ........ now back to the police, they are doing EXACTLY as they were designed to do, hunt down Black and Brown folk and execute US like the run away slaves we act like! I fear NO MAN and I DO NOT FEAR DEATH!

I'd like to take this time to THANK all of my Non Black Brothers and Sisters who are and were on the front lines fighting the hardest I've ever seen! I HATE to say that I was treated with such respect in Beavercreek at my first physical "Sit In." When I spoke to actual Black FOLK FROM YELLOW SPRINGS, I was snubbed, AS USUAL!!! No surprise!! I've had my entire life to get used to that sort of treatment! In my family, in school, in my personal life!
I have always known that I have to LOVE MYSELF! I will NEVER speak negatively about myself because I have the entire world to do that!
So, I can't give a blanket support of the PoPo!!! My advice to my Black and Brown Brothers and Sisters is to MOVE TO A VILLAGE!!!! Step #1, VISIT THE LOCAL POLICE STATION, introduce yourself, your family! LOOK THEM IN THE EYE!!! Buy them doughnuts & coffee, in this age, have them delivered & send them a card letting them know YOU are responsible for that! In other words, become HUMAN to them and not simply a moving target for them to take aim at!

Energy can NEVER be destroyed! The souls of those lynched, sexually abused, sold, humiliated, bound, sold, raped etc. are still here! They have our back! I'm amazed every time someone who has hurt me somehow gets that COSMIC KARMA and it comes QUICK!!!! I don't ask for that but I do know they protect me, how can they not!!! Just because they are not here in spirit doesn't mean they are gone! They are in front of us, to our right, to our left on top, beneath and MOST DEFINATELY IN FRONT!!! SO you can kill my body, but you can never kill my SPIRIT nor the spirit of my ancestors & family members who have my back 24/7/365!!! Try me, & see what happens!!! If this gets me banned from FB for another month, it's well worth it and I can write anywhere, I recommend Blogger and a damn piece of 3 hole punch lined paper and #2 Ticonderoga Pencil! I need to find a damn pencil sharpener!!! Do they even make those anymore!!

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