Wednesday, April 28, 2021

 Black and White Dating 

The entire asking about our bodies etc. It's just WRONG!!! My ex husband, whom I met ONLINE, NEVER, NEVER said anything like that!!!!! He actually is from India!!! There are some respectable men out there! I sort of feel like men tend to think that we will act like the women they see in movies, happy to take our clothes off for them, for no reason! They don't know how to build a relationship or value a person! They don't even ASK if we want to video chat, they call us a million times in a row! There should be a DEFAULT on FB that if someone calls you more than THREE times in a row they get blocked! Thank GOD I don't think there is a limit to blocked people because I have HUNDREDS!!!! Keep up the faith ladies!!! I do think this is a WRONG group for me! I was hoping to meet MORE international men, not scrubs!!! The MORE men I meet, the BETTER I like my single life! I won't compromise for ANYONE! The man wanting me should go about PROVING he has what I want, instead of trying to see if I meet his standards!!!

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