Thursday, April 22, 2021

 EVERYONE concerned with equality and human rights should be at EVERY police call they can with their OWN CAMERAS rolling from EVERY ANGLE!!! What happened to Brother George Floyd shows this to be true! Don't only depend on "them" to police their "own" or rule in your favor ever! I know, I know, not EVERY Officer is BAD-I had an officer somehow track down my mother, call her, she told them they had my dog when he ran away, they came to my house first to ask if that was my dog, then they came back with my dog & informed me he'd had some water & two milk bones!!! I share this incident to show some of them do have some humanity left, even though they wear the badge! I have no idea about your case, and I express sympathy!! I was SHOCKED when I had my own DV issue to find I had been threatened with a gun by my stalker! I wasn't notified offered any protection, nothing! I remember feeling so alone and vulnerable at that time! That's why I'm willing to lay it all on the line for those I care about because when I needed help and protection, I got NONE!!! I had my car tire slashed and was told, "we can't prove it was him!!!" I couldn't leave my house!! More than anything, I just wanted to be taken somewhere safe!!!! It finally went to court and that person didn't show up, they left town & nothing was done! YEARS later they found me via a co worker! They called me at work! I NOW know HOW to protect myself and I'm not afraid!!!!

A non profit is in the works that affords protection to EVERY person who requests it! Perhaps you are one of the only people who understands what it's like to live in that kind of fear!!! I couldn't go to the store downtown! One time I did, this person threw a lighter at my car! If my window had been rolled down, that could have really hurt, I was punched in the face, I can't share all the details because I won't go there!! Every blow, emotional and physical has encased my little heart in steel, thus, I am the way I am!!!

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