Wednesday, April 28, 2021

 Yellow Springs 

Zoë Taylor SOMETIMES!!!! I agree with you 100%, it especially feels awful to those who ARE LOW INCOME! There have always been the "haves" and "have nots" in YS and of course the "pretenders" millionaires who appear to have nothing & do nothing to help those who have less! Someone told me after they got their "affordable home" a villager told them they "worked hard for their home and wanted everyone to do so." AFFORDABLE housing has nothing to do with anybody receiving anything they haven't earned!!! There is one program where people get TRADITIONAL home loans, so people aren't receiving ANYTHING for free, their homes are just CAPPED so they can NEVER turn into $500,000 homes!!!!! People who've lived in the village their entire lives have witnessed their parent's homes which were listed at maybe $80,000 in the 70's or 80's to go up to $120,000 and up. Don't forget there is a HUGE segment of elderly folks who "keep their homes for their children," children who have absolutely NO intention of EVER returning to the village. God forbid any older person who's living in a nursing home and NOT in their home rent it out at a reasonable rate to a family that would love to live in the village. YS has a LOT to account for in terms of TRULY WANTING other people to move here, be able to live here and WORK here! It's heartbreaking! There are solutions, it doesn't have to be this way, but it certainly feels like MOST people who can afford to live in town WANT it this way!

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