Sunday, August 15, 2021

 WOW, It's incredible to think how much I've gone through these past few weeks.  I guess it's probably been a month.  I was introduced to a man by a friend of mine.  Now I know, never let your friends set you up!  This is the second emotionally crippled, crazy, autistic person I've been introduced to.  It can make you wonder how your friend's see you.  I KNOW that the first person who introduced me is stupid!  She said, "He likes Black women,"  As if that's the only requirement one needs to date me! This second person apologized profusely when I described what happened.  The final straw was when I talked about an incident in the gym where a tiny bitch basically pushed past us.  I will never forget how damn close her mouth was to me as she said, "Excuse me!!"  As if she were in a hurry to get to some piece of equipment!  So this man, we'll call him D.  D started berating me, saying how I was letting people destroy me and how he didn't let that happen he had a Star Trek shield.  #1, women talk!  Women like to debrief or simply talk about what happened with their day.  This D. person has some disorder where they repeat what they say over & over & over & over & over & over.  I have no idea what that disorder is and I'm not trying to diagnose him but I recognize crazy.  Guess it takes crazy to recognize crazy!  I'm so thankful I KNOW that it's him and not me!  Most women would cry and tell him they will change or cry for him to accept them!  

If a man has ED, erectile dysfunction and they don't immediately agree to be seen by a doctor to find out what the problem is walk away or run!!!  This guy is 67.  First, he said he hadn't really had sex after divorcing his wife like 40 years ago.  Then he says that he hasn't had this problem with other women, then he says if I would just get on top, that would get him excited and hard!  I KNEW all that shit were lies!!!  I have arthritis so bad in my knees my left one needs to be replaced!  He was asking questions, like he was trying to blame me.  So I DID get on top, no difference!!!  He actually said that he's NEVER enjoyed sex..with me.  I reminded him all the hundreds of times he said, "Good P&SSy!!"  I hated him saying that because it was so crass!   He asked me if I enjoyed myself.  I told him in a very sensitive way that I have learned to pleasure myself regardless of whether or not I'm 100% satisfied!  I didn't say, I'm very sensitive and can achieve an orgasm with just having a dick touch me.  The fact that he REFUSED to make a doctor's appointment to find out if his problem is physical or psychological is a huge indication that there's a bigger problem!  He has insurance!  Oh and to top it all off he never did oral sex!  I mentioned that but he never said anything!  I actually have THIS way of thinking, I had MORE than enough sex when I was younger so having a satisfactory sex life doesn't matter, BUT the thing is men who can't get hard dicks WANT to TRY and have sex.  They will TRY & TRY & blame the woman!  If the man simply doesn't try and leaves the woman alone, that's fine!  This dumb ass also had a phone that didn't ring!  It was like that for a year!  Well after looking at the phone a few times, I discovered it was set on "do not disturb."  I took that off and surprise, surprise, it rings!  It was so frustrating for M and I because we would call him and he wouldn't answer.  I saw how dumb he was when I was with him and I called, he had me saved in the phone.  M and I happen to have the same name, so he said M. is calling.  I said, That's me!!  

He has no car!  We live in the COUNTRY!!!  One has to travel miles through corn fields to get anywhere!  He happens to live in a city and he can walk where he needs to go.  He did rent a car for some strange reason and paid $300 for it!  He is friends with my friend and he brought her a piece of furniture.  I happened to be selling my car so he decides he wants to buy it!  He talked really fancy and said he wanted me to set up my bank account to just take the money from his automatically and he'd even pay MORE at certain times.  That just didn't sound right to me!!!  My bank can't just TAKE money from his account!!!  I called my bank to discuss it.  I told him that we needed to go to HIS bank to set this up!  We spent over an HOUR at his bank.  I told him in the beginning NOT to mention it's for a car!  He mentioned the car.  The Black girl teller went in another room with two other people and came out saying that they could set up the car loan, etc.... so we went in the room with someone else.  He explained how D. can set up his electronic bank account to send money.  He didn't want to do that!  He didn't want to sign up for electronic banking, although he clearly has that set up on his account somehow because his rent and other things come out automatically??!!  We then told him he can just write checks.  He didn't want to do that.  At the end, I had this look on my face, the same look I have now.  What a fucking waste of time!!!  

We actually got along very well most times!  He has these spells!  If I say, hand me the book off the table.  He will start walking towards  the table, stop and just wander around!  The person who knows him, I'll call her, M.  She spoke about how he took her to the store and he kept asking her, "Do you want to buy this, etc."  She KNEW what she wanted to buy, it was late, she just wanted to get her stuff and go & not discuss every little thing!  Then at his house, she had to demand he give her a pan so she could fix her food!  This reminds me of how I asked him if he wanted food.  I don't remember what he said exactly but he didn't not answer in the affirmative so I just ordered my food, breakfast.  It came, he starts this tirade about how I didn't even ask him if he wanted anything, he said he didn't want anything but for me to just order food was rude!  He had said before that he really didn't eat.  Ohhhh, this is RICH!  Before that he told me that he would challenge me to lose weight!  He would put $100 in a jar and I put in $100 and we'd keep going until a certain time then, if I'd lost the weight I'd get the money.  #1 I have NEVER SAID I want to lose weight!!! I DON'T CARE!!!!!  For him to ASSUME, that every one wants to lose weight is wrong!  I told M. about his weight thing and she agreed that was fucked up.  M. has some problem too.  I'm not sure what it is, but she'll stare off into space and I can see on her face that she's not all there at times!   Back to her food story, she said that afterward, she was going to spend the night at his place.  He has one king bed!  I know....she said that he demanded she not wear clothes to bed.  She said she wanted to just sleep in her clothes.  He gave her a robe to wear.  I told her how fucked up that was and how predatory!  She has control of HER body and how she sleeps!  The fact that she didn't know this, or NOT allow him to demand that she get naked to sleep in his bed is sickening!!!  I didn't harp on this with her.  I guess I'd say she's easily manipulated!  

The last straw was when at 4 a.m. he started talking about how he had a shield and I was letting people "destroy" me.  I packed up, I forgot my cinnamon roll bundle in the refrigerator, and walked out!  I haven't even missed him!!!  I was having fun sleeping someplace that was not home!  My animals missed me.  We all sat on the balcony.  My cat lay in the pink light of the security light outside and just sighed!  He was so sweet!  It was a good day.  .

I haven't talked to M. since I left at 4 a.m.  I will see her today at church.  I sort of want to say to her that I can't discuss it because she does speak to him.  I may say something like, "I need someone who doesn't have a brain disorder!"  

Sunday, June 13, 2021

How do you know if you have a disability?

 How do you know if you have a disability?

You are considered to have a disability if you have a physical or mental impairment or medical condition that substantially limits a major life activity, or if you have a history or record of such an impairment or medical condition.

Disabilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Autism
  • Autoimmune disorder, for example, lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, or HIV/AIDS
  • Blind or low vision
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular or heart disease
  • Celiac disease
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Deaf or hard of hearing
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Diabetes
  • Epilepsy
  • Gastrointestinal disorders, for example, Crohn's Disease, or irritable bowel syndrome
  • Intellectual disability
  • Missing limbs or partially missing limbs
  • Nervous system condition for example, migraine headaches, Parkinson’s disease, or Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Psychiatric condition, for example, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, PTSD, or major depression

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Pop Smoke - Dior (Official Audio)

Pop Smoke - Dior (Official Audio)

 Good LAWD, did I JUST heat at 6:08 a.m. a WHITE man seeking reparations from China for the "plandemic"!!!  The young female newscaster said something about the United States contributing to the research.  Could that mean this mean that the finger pointing comes full circle and the United States has to pay it's own citizens for this great PLANDEMIC?   

Butch was a True Legend r.i.p Them Kings was off the chain!!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2021


Marvalis Marlon Fleming
 is live now.  Cheseapeke Virginia 

(1) Facebook


 Yellow Springs 

Zoƫ Taylor SOMETIMES!!!! I agree with you 100%, it especially feels awful to those who ARE LOW INCOME! There have always been the "haves" and "have nots" in YS and of course the "pretenders" millionaires who appear to have nothing & do nothing to help those who have less! Someone told me after they got their "affordable home" a villager told them they "worked hard for their home and wanted everyone to do so." AFFORDABLE housing has nothing to do with anybody receiving anything they haven't earned!!! There is one program where people get TRADITIONAL home loans, so people aren't receiving ANYTHING for free, their homes are just CAPPED so they can NEVER turn into $500,000 homes!!!!! People who've lived in the village their entire lives have witnessed their parent's homes which were listed at maybe $80,000 in the 70's or 80's to go up to $120,000 and up. Don't forget there is a HUGE segment of elderly folks who "keep their homes for their children," children who have absolutely NO intention of EVER returning to the village. God forbid any older person who's living in a nursing home and NOT in their home rent it out at a reasonable rate to a family that would love to live in the village. YS has a LOT to account for in terms of TRULY WANTING other people to move here, be able to live here and WORK here! It's heartbreaking! There are solutions, it doesn't have to be this way, but it certainly feels like MOST people who can afford to live in town WANT it this way!

 Black and White Dating 

The entire asking about our bodies etc. It's just WRONG!!! My ex husband, whom I met ONLINE, NEVER, NEVER said anything like that!!!!! He actually is from India!!! There are some respectable men out there! I sort of feel like men tend to think that we will act like the women they see in movies, happy to take our clothes off for them, for no reason! They don't know how to build a relationship or value a person! They don't even ASK if we want to video chat, they call us a million times in a row! There should be a DEFAULT on FB that if someone calls you more than THREE times in a row they get blocked! Thank GOD I don't think there is a limit to blocked people because I have HUNDREDS!!!! Keep up the faith ladies!!! I do think this is a WRONG group for me! I was hoping to meet MORE international men, not scrubs!!! The MORE men I meet, the BETTER I like my single life! I won't compromise for ANYONE! The man wanting me should go about PROVING he has what I want, instead of trying to see if I meet his standards!!!

 Men of God 

  • Sorry I don’t do happy
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  • I OFTEN hold so tightly to my emotions!!! WHEN people EXPECT or are looking for my reaction, I give none......last night on the job, a customer left something terrifying to most people at their front door! Thank goodness I saw it and inside I just thought it was so horrible and it pissed me off!!! Someone could see what they left, notice how I won't say what it was because I learned a LONG time ago, don't tell people what you are afraid of because they WILL use it against you! I thought about calling the boss or leaving the boss a text!!! It's one thing to be a person especially a woman alone working at 2 a.m. in the morning but to have a person DELIBERATELY leave something under their mat at their front door that they KNOW will terrify someone because it's unexpected and most people are terrified of that, it's evil not FUNNY! I did call the person and I told them about the item at the door and told them some people are "deathly afraid." A person could REALLY have a heart attack at being shocked like that! The person sounded really young and said it was "fake." What kind of person does that!!! I did tell two people inside work & they just got a look on their face, but no one cared!!! Well I care, I'm going to let it go........ I KNOW the person left it because they wanted people to scream and have a reaction....I gave them none. (2) I also have a hard time with emotion or "love." I'm not all lovely dovery, or when I am it's during inappropriate times!!! Or with people who don't DESERVE it!!! Like someone who is ONLY after sex & I will probably never see again, if they say they love me, which people have, I say it and can "mean" it!!! I have been talking to this person for over a year and they tell me "everything I'd want to hear." But I feel I treat them bad!!! I just can't do the lovey dovery stuff even though I do WANT someone to really love me, be devoted and care! Maybe I should do like you and just fake it!!! For their sake!!!! I will never forget. Joan Rivers said her mother told her to "find someone who cares about you MORE than YOU care about them!" She said that's because they will be wondering where YOU are and you..won't feel that way! I can see the "logic" in it! I do think Joan loved "Edgar." She had her daughter Melissa, but I totally see the logic in choosing a partner that way! I think people make a huge mistake when they "fall in love" like people normally do! I've always thought if you pick someone who at least is going to come home to you every night, pay their share or most of the bills, and is faithful, perhaps, I'd be able to live with that!

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

 I shouldn't have to preface what I say, but as a Black person, I wonder what year Blacks were "allowed" to work for him? I say that because my father was born in 1925 and he couldn't eat in a restaurant, VOTE (not until the 1960s!!!), enjoy an amusement park, marry the woman he wanted, etc.! I think to gloss over this fact is doing a disservice to all Black Americans and especially Black Daytonians. . ..During these times, 2021, I especially want to know a historical person's views on race, not to cancel them but to get a REAL context! I can't just gloss over the fact that someone may have been a racist! I'm not saying Mr. Patterson was, I have no about his political views! I do know that Frederick Douglas married a White woman, I find that extremely interesting!

....I had a relative live in Georgia, during the 80s. actually my brother! My mother and I went to Georgia to visit and he arranged a trip to Stone Mountain! I was NO HISTORY BUFF, but as a FULL BLACK person, I did NOT feel all was "well with my soul" as the song goes! My brother is half Black, yet appears fully White. I think to take ANY Black person to a place like that and make no mention of the Confederacy, is sick! Kind of like feeding meat KNOWINGLY yet, not telling a person who doesn't eat meat, it's in there! I didn't have a real concept of Stone Mountain, and to this day I haven't done research but I DO know that members of the confederacy were celebrated! I want no part of that! I don't seek to erase that history, I just want to know about it, and NOT take part in any celebration! Hopefully, people can understand what I'm saying. ........I feel we, Blacks have been taught to give absolutely NO THOUGHT to celebrating and learning about every culture except our own!

Thursday, April 22, 2021

 EVERYONE concerned with equality and human rights should be at EVERY police call they can with their OWN CAMERAS rolling from EVERY ANGLE!!! What happened to Brother George Floyd shows this to be true! Don't only depend on "them" to police their "own" or rule in your favor ever! I know, I know, not EVERY Officer is BAD-I had an officer somehow track down my mother, call her, she told them they had my dog when he ran away, they came to my house first to ask if that was my dog, then they came back with my dog & informed me he'd had some water & two milk bones!!! I share this incident to show some of them do have some humanity left, even though they wear the badge! I have no idea about your case, and I express sympathy!! I was SHOCKED when I had my own DV issue to find I had been threatened with a gun by my stalker! I wasn't notified offered any protection, nothing! I remember feeling so alone and vulnerable at that time! That's why I'm willing to lay it all on the line for those I care about because when I needed help and protection, I got NONE!!! I had my car tire slashed and was told, "we can't prove it was him!!!" I couldn't leave my house!! More than anything, I just wanted to be taken somewhere safe!!!! It finally went to court and that person didn't show up, they left town & nothing was done! YEARS later they found me via a co worker! They called me at work! I NOW know HOW to protect myself and I'm not afraid!!!!

A non profit is in the works that affords protection to EVERY person who requests it! Perhaps you are one of the only people who understands what it's like to live in that kind of fear!!! I couldn't go to the store downtown! One time I did, this person threw a lighter at my car! If my window had been rolled down, that could have really hurt, I was punched in the face, I can't share all the details because I won't go there!! Every blow, emotional and physical has encased my little heart in steel, thus, I am the way I am!!!


I just stumbled across this (this was 2019) looking for something completely unrelated. This is outright offensive given that Watson herself violated a protection order against her to protect us by going into my kids classroom and staying there for an hour while handing out juice - before I was set to tesitfy against her.

That she then said it wasn't a violation when she was called by police after I reported it (despite the order clearly stating she was not to be 500 feet where I was likely to be, and my kids classroom during an event is somewhere I am likely to be) despite the fact that she knows better.

And after I first mentioned it to the Yellow Springs chief (which was not Carlson) he did not explain any of my rights to me and literally backed out of the conversation.

Bonus but not related to how offended I am. After Officer Meister explained my rights to me after I enquired Officer Naomi Watson filed a complaint against him.

While I think all of YSPD has to go and none of them have clean hands, it has to be absurdly clear that the one filing whistleblower complaints is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

This woman should have gotten her needs met period. Doing it right sometimes doesn't mean it excuses it when its not done right other times. And I would not blame her for taking issue with either officer.
But at a supervisory level? But when your senior officers either actively punish you or guide you away from it? Meister is not the only one punished after my incident. Records shows she went after Charles as well, though not for the protective order reporting)

And this is what village leadership does - including the chief?
Ignore the fact that their most senior officers has abused protection orders and then let her supervise and write up a case like this.

Also, as I was corrected a thousand times, its a protection order, not a restraining order. (Hopefully the police chief, was simply misquoted due to its colloquial use because he should know better)

How is this human still getting away with things. Why is she still employed there (we all know why). And if she leaves she will likely go on to other professions that let her get at vulnerable people. She should never be permitted to work in a first responder, medical or social work professions,, especially with people who are vulnerable or can't express their distress (such as people with disabilities or mental health disorders)

She should most certainly never be permitted to work with or for children again. She has a history and completely botched the krier case.

She abuses her knowledge and relationship to the law and then uses that knowledge and relationship against other people.
The conflicts of interest are clearly poorly managed by leadership, among many other things.

I'm tired of it.

Every day we ask why policing doesn't change. Its because their is protection and delusion at every level and it protects those doing the most harm.

Its easy to yell about other jurisidcations. Its hard to clean up your own.

(btw, hopefully they've corrected it because I yell about it everytime though I don't hold my breath, but senior officers should never be on scene without their dash cams/mics rolling. Also their logging has been a vague mess and that needs corrected too) 
See Less

 APPLAUSE!!! When you have NOTHING to lose, you can speak the TRUTH to POWER!! I don't depend on any REPu%&*(an for a job!!! I don't have to Kiss Hiney, for my pay! This like the war with the North and South! If you are pro slavery, then you are ANTI ME!!! And I'll tell you what, I'm doing just FINE without you!!! The first time I expressed my view publicly over our previous President, my body had such a negative reaction! Someone had said, "He's trying to..." they said like do something, I just felt myself fleeing to the opposite end of the park! I had to get as FAR away as I could from that person! I'm an OLD LADY!!! I REMEMBER how he treated his FIRST WIFE, the ONE who RAN HIS BUSINESSES!!!!!! The one he CHEATED ON, I remember how he SPOKE ABOUT THE BODY of the woman he was cheating on, to marry & have his SECOND DAUGHTER WITH!!! I know all about his RED LINING, refusing to rent to Blacks in his office space ........ now back to the police, they are doing EXACTLY as they were designed to do, hunt down Black and Brown folk and execute US like the run away slaves we act like! I fear NO MAN and I DO NOT FEAR DEATH!

I'd like to take this time to THANK all of my Non Black Brothers and Sisters who are and were on the front lines fighting the hardest I've ever seen! I HATE to say that I was treated with such respect in Beavercreek at my first physical "Sit In." When I spoke to actual Black FOLK FROM YELLOW SPRINGS, I was snubbed, AS USUAL!!! No surprise!! I've had my entire life to get used to that sort of treatment! In my family, in school, in my personal life!
I have always known that I have to LOVE MYSELF! I will NEVER speak negatively about myself because I have the entire world to do that!
So, I can't give a blanket support of the PoPo!!! My advice to my Black and Brown Brothers and Sisters is to MOVE TO A VILLAGE!!!! Step #1, VISIT THE LOCAL POLICE STATION, introduce yourself, your family! LOOK THEM IN THE EYE!!! Buy them doughnuts & coffee, in this age, have them delivered & send them a card letting them know YOU are responsible for that! In other words, become HUMAN to them and not simply a moving target for them to take aim at!

Energy can NEVER be destroyed! The souls of those lynched, sexually abused, sold, humiliated, bound, sold, raped etc. are still here! They have our back! I'm amazed every time someone who has hurt me somehow gets that COSMIC KARMA and it comes QUICK!!!! I don't ask for that but I do know they protect me, how can they not!!! Just because they are not here in spirit doesn't mean they are gone! They are in front of us, to our right, to our left on top, beneath and MOST DEFINATELY IN FRONT!!! SO you can kill my body, but you can never kill my SPIRIT nor the spirit of my ancestors & family members who have my back 24/7/365!!! Try me, & see what happens!!! If this gets me banned from FB for another month, it's well worth it and I can write anywhere, I recommend Blogger and a damn piece of 3 hole punch lined paper and #2 Ticonderoga Pencil! I need to find a damn pencil sharpener!!! Do they even make those anymore!!

Friday, April 16, 2021

 April 16, Friday, 2021 - 11:25 a.m.

Tragedy in Indianapolis.  hahah  Either the boss was a total ass who deserved what was coming to him or the shooter had mental issues or a little bit of both!  I've worked at HORRIBLE places for over a decade I put up with abuse!!!!!  I watched people die like flies all around me!  The stress of working in an environment like that is deadly!!!  I am free of that, I survived!  I mean no disrespect to the families who lost love ones, I just have a feeling the boss wasn't so innocent!  

Started period today!  I NEVER talk about this stuff but it's a factor!   I am so weak I can't leave the house!!!  I haven't even been able to get the mail!!!  I called to have my meds delivered, I was thinking to try & go out but I can't!  I have terrible arthritis too so I'm in such pain when I get up from bed!!!!  My cat is here in my bed with me.  The prodigal cat came back last night!!!!  I'm not going to let him do that!! I don't like when he's gone for 2 days!!  I'm going to put a camera on him though and see where he goes!! It was so cold last night!!!  I don't understand how he can be out like that!!!  He came back and proceeded to EAT LIKE A DAMN fool!!!  I think I'm going to order some cake mix & icing!!! I made a small cake & ATE it all with no frosting ahhaha!!!  I like to eat the mix!!  I ate it BEFORE I put the raw eggs in it even though the mix has dried raw eggs in it!  

12:00 p.m. my medicine came!!! So I "can" leave if I want, but I can't.  My legs hurt too much!!!  I also need to use my cpap.  I got 4 hours & 20 minutes in...I'm making shrimp & warming Progresso Italian Wedding Soup.  They used to put those tiny little pearl pasta in it but now the pasta has changed!!! 


These guys must think birds chirping is hostle!!! - Marnette Todd  04/16/21 HLN 11:33 a.m. 


The 'perpetual widow'

But no one had more influence on mourning attire than Queen Victoria. Following her husband Prince Albert's unexpected death in 1861, the monarch very publicly expressed her sorrow by wearing black every day for four decades until her own death. It was Victoria who helped codify the nuances of grief fashion and maintained her identity as the "perpetual widow," according to Strasdin.

SAINt JHN - "Roses" Imanbek Remix (Official Audio)